Arachnoiditis Treatment in Grapevine, TX

Your spinal column provides the main support of your body, facilitating your ability to stand upright, bend and twist, while also protecting your spinal cord—the part of the body which, by communicating with the brain, enables these movements. Put simply, without the spine, we'd be paralyzed. Care for the spine is of utmost importance since injuries to this part of the body are serious, possibly threatening your mobility.
The arachnoid, an important membrane which lines and protects the nerves of the spinal cord, is essential for maintaining your spine's integrity. When the arachnoid becomes a target of chronic inflammation, a rare condition called arachnoiditis may be to blame. A wealth of issues may ensue including searing chronic pain and neurological problems as a result of the spine's structures forcibly becoming fused.
If you suffer from the telltale signs of arachnoiditis, treatment exists to manage your symptoms. To schedule a consultation with an arachnoiditis specialist in Grapevine that provides arachnoiditis treatment, call (817) 203-2760 or contact The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic online.
Arachnoiditis Causes
Arachnoiditis is caused by inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the membranes surrounding and protecting the nerves of the spinal cord. The condition may be brought on by many factors, including:
- Injury to the spine
- Bacterial or viral infection such as viral and fungal meningitis or tuberculous which can affect the spine
- Chronic compression of the spinal nerves from causes such as chronic degenerative disc disease or advanced spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column)
- Complications of spinal surgery or other invasive spinal procedures causing multiple lumbar (lower back) punctures
- Chemical such as dyes used in myelograms (diagnostic tests which use dye called radiographic contrast in order to make details of imaging stand out more clearly) and preservatives in epidural steroid injections
Oftentimes, arachnoiditis causes spinal nerves to malfunction due to scar tissue which forms as the result of prolonged inflammation which binds these nerves together.
Arachnoiditis Symptoms
Signs of arachnoiditis vary widely between patients, but the condition most commonly affects the nerves connecting the lower back and legs. It is commonly characterized by severe, burning pain and stinging, and may cause neurological problems. Other indications of arachnoiditis could include:
- Tingling, numbness or weakness in the legs
- Unusual sensations felt on the legs, which may be compared to the feeling of insects crawling on your skin or water trickling down your leg
- Muscle cramps, spasms and uncontrollable twitching
- Bladder, bowel and sexual problems
Arachnoiditis symptoms may worsen as the disease progresses, and may become prolonged or even permanent. The condition may become debilitating, causing constant pain which makes completing work impractical. While there is no cure for arachnoiditis, seeking treatment may help relieve pain caused by the condition to improve your quality of life.
Arachnoiditis Diagnosis
Diagnosing arachnoiditis can be challenging. An arachnoiditis MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a common tool healthcare providers will elect which can visualize your spine and its inner structures. A CAT (computerized axial tomography) may also be elected, while an EMG (electromyogram) can assess the severity of the ongoing damage to affected nerve roots by using electrical impulses to inspect nerve function.
Arachnoiditis Treatment Options
Arachnoiditis treatment options primarily focus on relieving the pain you are experiencing to improve your symptoms that may be impairing or preventing you from completing your daily activities. Your healthcare provider will likely recommend a program for pain management. This may include physical therapy and exercise therapy, as well as pain medications, to help reduce your spinal pain. Physiotherapy, a treatment option that aims to restore movement and function for those who have sustained an injury, illness or disability, may be recommended for some patients. Psychotherapy can help address the psychological effects (such as depression) of your physical pain. Steroid injections and electrical stimulation have not yet been proven effective clinically but may be explored. A spinal cord stimulator, which uses low voltage stimulation to the spine to block feelings of pain, may also be helpful for some patients.
Your healthcare provider can recommend treatment that works best for your condition and that will provide you the most symptom relief. To schedule a consultation with at an arachnoiditis treatment center in Grapevine, call (817) 203-2760 or contact The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic online.
The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic
100 Grapevine HwyHurst, TX 76054
(817) 203-2760
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm